Our Mission
LemonAid Brunch
For when life gives lemons ...
The mission of LemonAid Brunch
is to help men, women and children
cope and overcome obstacles in a healthy way.
Board Members
President - Nicola Canty
Secretary - Patricia Thomas
Treasurer - Vonda Hood
Board Member - Timothy Phillips
Board Member - Maria Thompson
Board Member - Tracy Washington
Youth Ambassador - Isis Canty
Advisory BM - Carmella Mouzon
Advisory BM - Ebony Green
Advisory BM - Jai Collier
“Problems don’t define us, but the experience
determines who we become.”
- By Nicola Canty
About Us
You know the old adage “When life gives you lemons, make lemonade”. Well how does one make lemonade? Let’s face it, the world is not just black and white... there are yellow areas. When those circumstances occur, it can cause one to go into crisis mode. Whether it be a health, financial or relationship issue, the traumatic experience affects a person as a whole. LemonAid Brunch Ltd is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization that uses a holistic approach to recovery, by feeding the mind, body and soul. We provide aid through education, awareness, coaching, support groups, workshops, mentorship, discussions, community activities and wellness events.
LemonAid Brunch was created by Certified Life Coach, Nicola Canty. Through her own life experiences, Nicola recognized that most people lacked the emotional intelligence to deal with adversity, and often developed maladaptive behaviors. Therefore, she created a platform to help people cope before, during and after a storm (lemon) occurs. Using the 5 Dimensions of Wellness (mental, physical, social, intellectual, spiritual), LemonAid Brunch helps one to develop positive coping skills, navigate life’s challenges and be well.
Help LemonAid Brunch achieve its mission!
Contact us to host a LemonAid Brunch near you.
All sponsors & donors will receive acknowledgement.
Catering to women by providing them with inspiration and respite, so they leave refreshed, rejuvenated, appreciated and empowered to keep pouring into others
Blueberry Lemonade
Uniting young men to discuss heavy topics, learn to channel their emotions, be reminded of gentlemanship and receive mentorship
Pink Lemonade (Ages 7-12)
Strawberry Lemonade (Teens)
Raspberry Lemonade (Young adults)
A safe place for young ladies to share, be treated like ladies, receive mentorship and learn positive coping skills to deal with issues that plague women today
Lemonade Ice Tea (LIT)
Providing hope & Inspiration for couples to show that relationships can stand the test of time and adversity
Iced Tea
An opportunity for males to unwind, hold each other accountable and discuss sensitive issues that are usually unspoken
Sipping on the Tea (Girl's Group)
Release Your DEAF (Men's Group)
SISTAS (Women's Group)
Lemonade Brunch
The Lemonade Project
Senior Smile
Fresh Start
Hero Walk
Upcoming Events
- Date and time is TBDVirtual EventDate and time is TBDVirtual EventBoard member and volunteer recruitment.